This post kicks off a series we are really excited about here at Revealing The Story!

We will be publishing a collection of posts that reveal some of what God is doing around the world. Posts that reveal what it looks like to live on mission.

There are many different definitions of mission. You’ll see that our definition is the daily choice to keep our eyes and hearts open to the practical and emotional needs of those around us. To try (as best we can) to imitate the incredible love our Jesus has to offer all people.

We hope you’ll be encouraged by this series.


IMG_1488I remember, quite vividly, when I told my mom that I thought God wanted me to be a missionary. She smiled encouragingly but jokingly told me she couldn’t bear the thought of me living so far away from her! I was only 8 after all. I can’t really fault her for feeling that way!

I had just finished reading an autobiography on Amy Carmichael, a missionary in India who rescued child slaves during the early 1900’s, and my young faith was inspired. A fire was lit in me to help others and I was passionate about this new direction. I was certain that this was my purpose.

Then the years piled up and that calling collected dust.

Like a book on a shelf, it was pushed behind other dreams and desires and was all but forgotten.IMG_1495

In college I went on a short term missions trip to Ecuador. My team spent 10 days going into schools to spend time with and speak value to the children there. We cared for them, played with them and told them of our belief in a Savior named Jesus.  While I was there whispers of that original purpose and dream began to swirl once again in my heart.  I considered joining a long term mission to serve the children of South America. Although the desire was there, something about it just didn’t ever fit. And so life marched on.

Years later when God called my husband and I, together into vocational ministry, I pulled that old dream off the dusty shelf and thought, “ah, here’s the purpose of that.” This must be what God had in mind when He spoke mission into my little girl heart.IMG_1492

But I still didn’t fully understand. Somehow, something unknown still didn’t quite fit.

It wasn’t until recently, after looking back on the years since we stepped out in that calling, that God revealed something to me. In the 7 years of full-time ministry we, as a couple, have had many different titles. Mike has directed Christian camp programs, done church relations, worked construction, cleaned pools, pastored, and dealt with unemployment.  Every step along the way we have followed Him. But when things get difficult, it’s so easy to feel like we are wandering.

This last weekend I attended the IF:gathering, a conference intended to gather and encourage women to fulfill God’s calling in their lives. It was amazing. As I sat there listening to the message about our command to “Be Strong and Courageous” {Joshua 1}, I wrestled. Wrestled to figure out what it is He really wants for my family.  In the midst of those tearful moments with my Shepherd, He reminded me I’ve always known the purpose He placed in me.  Our title and place make no difference…but our identity does.  Job or no job, my identity as a Christ-follower means I am called to live out this purpose of caring for anyone around me. That’s always been the point.  Mike and I are together on this ‘mission’ wherever He places us.  Living on mission doesn’t mean you have to move to South America, or get the perfect job in ministry…but to deeply care for people wherever He places you.  That is something He has been showing me over these last 7 tumultuous years, and this weekend reminded me of that simple truth.  I am called to live on mission.

It looks different than I thought. It’s not to a far off country like my 8 year old self envisioned. At least not right now. But when I allowed the Holy Spirit to pull that dream off the shelf again and turn it upside down…or right side up…I saw how it fit finally. I see now how despite my incomprehension, my Creator was always shaping me for this purpose.

IMG_1489 I am a follower of Christ, and He commissioned me, alongside you, to live on mission.  This mission doesn’t come with a title or a paycheck. It’s a freedom mission, a healing mission, a peace-giving mission. The mission is the same for all of us; to be a reflection of Jesus to a lost and hurting world. To care. To love. To pour out our lives.  The how and where of that is going to look different for all of us. Where and how are you on mission friends?

For me, right now, I’m on a mission to reflect Jesus in my home so that the sweet little hearts He placed there will know Him. I’m on a mission to offer healing to hurting hearts that cross my path, because I know what hurt feels like and I have found the antidote. I’m on mission to this city He has me in for as long as He wants me here. I probably will be fiercely opposed by our enemy. So will you.

It’s not going to be easy.  Completing a mission never is.

But it will be worth it.  Victory always is.

